Android Support disappeared. [answered]
After factory reset on Xperia Sailfish X Android Support disappeared. Nothing changed! Same Jolla Account, logged it and restored from Jolla backup, what am i missing?
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After factory reset on Xperia Sailfish X Android Support disappeared. Nothing changed! Same Jolla Account, logged it and restored from Jolla backup, what am i missing?
The problem was discused with Jolla Customer care and solved. The user must be signed in to Jolla acount with the same account as was used for purchase of SailfishX licence. And the Android support does not appear in the launcher grid, it appears in the Jolla Store pull down "My apps". Thanks Jolla Zendesk for help.
Can you see the other licenced apps, Microsoft Exchange and Predictive text? Or is it just Andriod Support?
Well, IMO it is about time to open a support ticket at Jolla's Zendesk then, as you have a SailfishX license and this TJC thread as a reference, which possible causes you already checked for.
olf ( 2018-04-10 22:25:20 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2018-04-09 17:16:39 +0200
Seen: 1,420 times
Last updated: Apr 17 '18
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Well you need to install it from Jolla Store. :D
Alex ( 2018-04-09 17:26:35 +0200 )editThank you for the tip. There is no option in Jolla store to install android support. I searched "android" nothing shows up.
DarkTuring ( 2018-04-09 17:49:32 +0200 )editI should also say i can see and install android apps in the Jolla store like Aptoid. But after install aptoid also doesnt show up jn app list or on homescreen.
If you can't find the Android support in the Jolla store, there probably is a problem with the sailfish license. I'd guess you have to contact the Jolla support to resolve this.
ghling ( 2018-04-09 18:16:53 +0200 )edit@ghling thank you, i wonder if anybody else is experiencing lack of Jolla Android Support after Factory Reset.
DarkTuring ( 2018-04-09 18:42:27 +0200 )editPretty sure that I have re-flashed Sailfish X upon F5121 without experiencing this issue, although always tend to sign out from Jolla account upon device before re-installing firmware if possible.
aspergerguy ( 2018-04-09 21:59:12 +0200 )edit