How to implement a communication with apps and services?
For aprototype of a custom Sailfish UX I would like to implement an app that demonstrates system wide functions calls in the meaning of user interaction for creating and retrieving content. For this purpose I have some questions:
- Is it possible to launch other applications with parameters programmatically? If yes, how? For example a lipstick implementation or super app would open a specified message in the default email app.
- The D-Bus interface seems to enable retrieving content from system services like profiles, emails, contacts or any further data. Even updating data seems to be possible. The interface is technically documented, but where can I find the documentation of the available services, their methods and data model?
- How can I make a super app? It's just mentioned briefly in the documentation.
- By the way: I'm also still struggling with built and deploy the lipstick example as a template for customization. Does someone know any tutorial?
- How is it possible to define edge swipes? I think it is only possible within lipstick. But I realized, that the IRC app for Sailfish includes a kind of edge swipe althouth there are system wide definitions.
I admit, that these may be too much questions for one post, but they are connected.
5: 'The IRC app for Sailfish' is free software, take a look at the source code and answer your question yourself.
nthn ( 2018-05-11 19:17:22 +0200 )edit2: I'm afraid you have to dig out that yourself (= look at the code itself, it's hardly/badly documented...)
3: What do you mean by "super"? SUID apps?
takimata ( 2018-05-11 23:33:33 +0200 )edit@takimata Super apps are mentioned in the linked Sailfish OS documentation and demonstrated with the Sailfish distribution of Intex Aqua Fish. The concept of super apps in Sailfish OS are selected, preferred apps, which are alwais available with an edge swipe from the right to the left like the notification center, that is available with an edge swipe from the left to the right. You even needn't open these apps with a selection in the app grid. I think it is also possible to define more than one super app.
jsommer ( 2018-05-12 00:09:53 +0200 )edit@nthn Do you know, where the app ispublished? Of course I can search in Github and other sources, but maybe you already know the link.
jsommer ( 2018-05-12 00:11:11 +0200 )editi think there is nothing special bout suoer apps, take a look at schturmans paatch that did make any app a super app
pawel ( 2018-05-12 14:02:44 +0200 )edit