Why has my rapid battery drain stopped happening? [answered]
For the last few months my Sony Xperia X phone has required charging several times a day even when used on airplane mode for reading books or listening to media. Three days ago I changed network supplier from Vodafone to O2 in the UK. Now my phone has returned to a healthy battery life. Either Jolla have sent out an OTA update or the change of mobile networks has made the difference. Having said that I have often used my phone offshore where there is no mobile coverage and have used it in airplane mode and often with wifi switched off as well. I was still experiencing unacceptable levels of battery drain. If it isn't due to an OTA update and is to do with the network, what on earth were Vodafone doing to my phone? Both Vodafone and 02 have good 4g coverage in my home area indoors and outside. I would like to know the answer to this question because Sailfish is supposed to be a secure operating system but if Vodafone can run something in the background without my knowledge what is it doing and if they can do this so can someone else. Has anyone else experienced this? I hope it is all due to an OTA upgrade not suspicious activity by a third party.
If there had been an update, you would have received a notification, and you would have needed to install it manually. It will never install or even download automatically. Rest assured Vodafone somehow running software in the background on your device is simply not something that will happen, but it's nearly impossible to tell why you were having battery problems.
nthn ( 2018-05-27 01:30:52 +0200 )editI thought you maight be affected by the same bug with me. I will get high power comsuption when I go somewhere that I never been, and you get that when you use Vodafone.
hanhsuan ( 2018-05-27 04:47:43 +0200 )editSo, I assume that one kind of base station or protocol will trigger this behavier for sailfish OS and jolla doesn't know.
Yes my problem was similar but also different. I work offshore on a ship in the north sea. I will spend up to a month with my mobile on airplane mode with wifi on some of the time or off depending on how often I think I'll be able to charge my battery. I was still experiencing excessive power loss. I am sure everyone is thinking that the difference between the before change to O2 and after change is only minimal and I am imagining it but it's a huge difference. I was at the point of reinstalling Android or changing the battery in my phone to see if it was a hardware problem but I now know that is not the case. I also tried to use the phone on 2g, never have any aps open if not actually in use, wifi off most of the time. It just seams very strange that a mobile service provider could affect the phone when not on the network. I am happy that I have stumbled upon an answer to my problem but it'd be nice to know what exactly was going on.
south-west-stuff ( 2018-05-27 11:02:17 +0200 )editHmm...that means this problem is quite complicated.
hanhsuan ( 2018-05-27 11:29:12 +0200 )editI am a light user for mobile internet. I only turn on my mobile network and wifi fews minutes a day,
and never change service provider and sim card for years.
So, let's wait and see how long will jolla fix this basic function for a phone.
It seems to be less powerhungry since I've change SIM card. Stayed at the same provider (D1Germany) but got a new SIM. The old one was a years old self cut mini, the new is a native nano. Maybe there are older cards which cause the battery drain.
SaimenSays ( 2018-05-27 13:30:54 +0200 )editBut the bug, loosing mobile network and need to restart to get it back, still exists. Therefore I'm hoping 2.2 will be released soon.