2018-07-09 21:43:17 +0200
There have been several ports of Sony camera over the years, and you may be able to get one or more of them working on Sailfish. The main issue is that the particular camera app you use typically doesn't have any effect on how well the camera works, (except that some apps offer more manual control than others, so if you're knowledgeable about that stuff, you could possibly get better results). So, if you're interested in using the Sony camera app simply because you prefer the interface over other apps, you probably could find a port on XDA and use it. If you're interested more in the actual quality and performance of the phone's camera, that is a different, and more complex issue, involving things like blobs, and shims, etc, that typically happen during the rom build. Usually you can't do too much to change that post-build, but some devs have been able to port frameworks, etc, to make it happen, but it's usually very specific to device and version, so a lot less likely to find something that would work here, unless it was specifically developed for this...
due to? ten chars
tortoisedoc ( 2018-07-09 21:15:49 +0200 )editthe dots behind are meant to be an invitation to give an explanation for it. Is it it weird and misleading?
Vieno ( 2018-07-09 21:26:44 +0200 )edit