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Time for Sailfish OS 3 smartwatch support

asked 2018-11-09 20:46:53 +0200

JSEHV gravatar image

With the amazing Sailfish OS 3 release and the availability of open source smartwatch software AsteroidOS, it is "time" to expand to other devices besides phones.

A while ago JollaHQ showed us the beauty of Sailfish on a smartwatch. I want to put my money behind it, who's with me?

Please JollaHQ, make this happen!

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Those examples above really convinve, would definitely be a beauty! I don't even need smartwatch to anything, but if there would exist a SFOS smartwatch... I could NOT resist it! :D

lumen ( 2018-11-10 13:13:46 +0200 )edit

watch is pretty useless if you're already carrying a phone. would rather see something useful (& rare) like the lankku.

cpb ( 2018-11-10 14:23:36 +0200 )edit

@cpb could you explain, what "the lankku" is?

naytsyrhc ( 2018-11-12 01:15:22 +0200 )edit

@naytsyrhc sorry wrong codename, its lauta. link

cpb ( 2018-11-13 23:18:43 +0200 )edit

9 Answers

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answered 2018-11-09 23:59:27 +0200

lolek gravatar image

Idea is good, but I think the priority should be to fix most important bugs.

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answered 2018-11-11 22:37:22 +0200

mlohse gravatar image

Top priority must be to make the phones ready for daily life (work). If important hardware and features, like Bluetooth, sufficient battery-life/charging, NFC, device encryption, Android Support (Here Maps, etc..), Browser (must be kept up-to-date!), VoLTE, Camera, etc. are not working (properly) people don't have another choice than moving away to another OS and that would be the death of SailfishOS - no matter how many other fancy gadgets, like watches or tablets are (half-)supported.

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Agreed - stability and rock solid stuff first - nonetheless they should think about when they will add smartwatch support because this is the rock soluid stuff of tomorrow to come - not only smartwatches I guess.

Kaiserpinguin ( 2018-11-19 01:30:42 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-01-05 20:35:12 +0200

d gravatar image

Look at this porting of @g7 !!! https://twitter.com/eugenio_g7/status/1212768309709606914

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answered 2018-11-10 10:08:35 +0200

shiro kitsune gravatar image

There is always the community. And on a smartwatch we don't need the proprietary stuff for starters. I'd say: happy porting. If the basics are done, it is much easier for the few folks at Jolla to pick up the work.

P.S. someone knows how difficult it would be to flash a third party OS onto a smartwatch? I have only a bit of experience with embedded controllers and smartphones

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answered 2018-11-10 12:26:42 +0200

ApB gravatar image

No. The more i think about it the more i come to the conclusion that wearables like that solve no problem. Yes apple gets away with it because its products are status symbols but i doubt anyone else managed to create a product that will appeal to anyone beyond the gadget freaks.

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answered 2018-11-09 23:33:27 +0200

I would certainly love to try it, Wear OS has to be the slowest thing on the planet

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answered 2018-11-14 21:31:04 +0200

Firefox84 gravatar image

updated 2018-11-25 22:22:18 +0200

Tizen the smartphone OS of Samsung is also based on Meego and Mer, so maybe Sailfish OS devices and Tizen Smartwatches would work quite well together. Maybe there could be some kind of cooperation of Jolla and Samsung to make this devices as interoperable as possible, maybe also with cross plattform Apps and so on. What does it make as a sense to buy a Sailfish OS Phone because of privacy reasons, and then to run an Android Smartwatch with your most important data in life, your health. So wether there must be something coming from the side of jolla or at least cooperation of Jolla with non Android Smartwatches :)

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Yes, this suggestion is acceptable and supported, too. In the other question in this site it was asked that android apps (thus Galaxy wearables) should be able to work and syncronize also in Sailfish X etc phones. But the cooperation between Jolla and Samsung should be fine and excellent to happen. But this needs the will of the leaders of both companies. At least porting the Galaxy wearables stays as No 1 in the task list.

N9Sailfish ( 2018-11-30 15:15:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-10 10:46:07 +0200

ghling gravatar image

I'm in, the moment Jolla announces a SFOS Smartwatch. However, I suspect they won't do that since they gave up on the hardware business (remember the Tablet disaster?). And the existing few smartwatch vendors are more or less focused on Android Wear.

So yeah, we're probably stuck with community-built systems for existing smartwatches. Unfortunately, the last time I checked AsteroidOS a few months back, there still was no usable SFOS Companion App (only some year-old alpha version). So my hopes on using an AsteroidOS powered device are (sadly) pretty low.

I'd say the best way would probably be to implement support for Android Wear, if a universal connector exists. That way you could pair any of those smartwatches with your SFOS device (and hopefully isolate it from the internet / control which data gets transmitted). But I suspect that every vendor has its own protocol which makes this idea obsolete.

But of course, I'm hoping that I'm wrong in some point and we will see a good smartwatch for SFOS soon (especially, since the battery of my Pebble starts getting weaker).

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answered 2018-11-14 14:22:42 +0200

Niko gravatar image

Just broke my Pebble Time Round, so it would be cool if any other smartwatch would be supported by SailfishOS. Of course there's always an option to try to find old Pebble...

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Asked: 2018-11-09 20:46:53 +0200

Seen: 2,543 times

Last updated: Jan 05 '20