Tan2go on Jolla C with Sailfish3
Hello community, I am running Sailfish 3 on my Jolla C. Now my german bank DKB is switching on a new authentification and forces me to use their DKB-TAN2go-App from Google Play Store. On aptoide I found an app but it wont work. Is there anyone out there who's got a fix? Thank you very much Antje from Potsdam
Are you sure about the forcing part? Afaik their app is optional. You always still can use tan lists, can't you?
naytsyrhc ( 2018-12-04 01:22:21 +0200 )editThere's a new app called "Zaster Banker" in the Jolla Store but you can't do any transactions so far, it's in an early stage. I also don't know if DKB is supported, maybe you can ask or try it out. If it doesn't work you could at least keep an eye on it from time to time to see if your bank will be supported in a future version.
Pohli ( 2018-12-04 12:14:55 +0200 )edit@naytsyrhc They told me, that the tan lists don't work anymore and I've to chose between the app or a tan generator. @Pholi Thanks, I'll have an eye on "Zaster Banker", what a great name;-)
Jolla_Cologne ( 2018-12-04 16:17:43 +0200 )edit@Pohli Zaster Banker does support DKB. But it only shows transactions. Nothing more. @Jolla_Cologne I'm asking, because I'm a DKB customer as well and I have never heard about that. We'll see.
naytsyrhc ( 2018-12-04 16:20:39 +0200 )edit