[Request] A new UI organisation for Sailfish OS

asked 2018-12-13 21:44:05 +0300

Hallo! I finally post there on tJT an idea that I explained recently there, with a Medium article: https://medium.com/swlh/improving-sailfish-ux-vol-1-a-new-ui-that-fix-the-swipe-down-gesture-4792f9305624

In order to improve the Sailfish UX, and resolve the swipe-down-broken-gesture issue, it's time to renew the UI overall organisation:

Returning to the 3 screens The UI main organisation returns to the 3 side by side screens: News screen, home-multitasking, Apps. Similar to Harmattan, but leaving the priority to multitasking.

Finally, adopt the the 3 screens way allows you to “free” the gesture Swipe up!

But there may be also 2 other 'lazy' solution:

On-the-go solution/ 1 Tap on the top bar (last 5% vertical screen) and the Utility Menu opens from top. Swipe down only for closing active apps.

On-the-go solution/ 2 The menu utility opening function may be disabled when inside an app. In this way the swipe down returns 100% to the function of closing the active app, while to open the utility menu is only one more swipe-side away.

Again, before read the full article, https://medium.com/swlh/improving-sailfish-ux-vol-1-a-new-ui-that-fix-the-swipe-down-gesture-4792f9305624

or browse the navigable prototypehere: https://projects.invisionapp.com/prototype/Improving-Sailfish-OS-new-UI-organization-rev-1-2-cjpgrczw000a8tq0103998pne

What do you think? Upvote, and this idea may be considered... (maybe)

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Tap on the top bar (last 5% vertical screen) and the Utility Menu opens from top

Yesterday I noticed that this is already present in 3.0 home screen. And that's one more reason in favor of bringing back the old meego-style "top-swype-closes-current-app" gesture.

If you meant that gesture should work when an app is running, I think that there should be a status bar on those 5%.

Overall I love your ideas. Especially the N9 flair of them :)

figgis-diggis ( 2018-12-14 11:31:26 +0300 )edit


Yesterday I noticed that this is already present in 3.0 home screen.

Only partially: when I tap on the top of the home screen only the ambience switcher appears, I still have to swipe down for the utility menu. Having said that, tap then swipe down feels like a good combination of gestures to me

pakman ( 2018-12-14 13:14:19 +0300 )edit