make the browser a priority
asked 2019-01-02 20:28:50 +0200
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along with the sailfish3-events last year came the info that jolla doesn't consider the browser a priority. okay, safty first, but surfing second. the browser right now is unbearable. it's slow, buggy, can't handle websites (there is another entry that lists nonworking websites, and that entry is years old!) and leaves no way to customize behaviour. it does not suit an OS that the inbuild browser makes you remind you of the times when surfing was done via modem.
so, please, move the browser up the priority list and make it functional.
Next meeting for open source collaboration is set on Thursday 10th of January 2019, someone should mark the topic in agenda, but from the last news it seems that jolla would like to rely on comm. partners/community to upgrade the browser. On the other hand, in one of the last entries in the blog comment section, James Noori wrote that jolla is expanding in 2019 and recruiting some workers dedicated to native apps and so the browser. THAT said, the state of the browser and store remains very poor... and it's a great pitty. #makejollagreatagain #buildthatbrowser
d ( 2019-01-02 20:54:38 +0200 )editAs far as I have understood, the current Qt version is not suitable anymore. So after the Qt upgrade to 5.9 which should come in one of the next upgrades the browser should also be upgraded.
BonoNL ( 2019-01-02 22:51:59 +0200 )editbbubugbugsbugs? wwhwhawhatwhat bbubugbugabugasbugas? oononlonlyonly ttotootooktook mmeme 3 mmiminminuminutes ttoto llologlog iinin ttoto uupupvupvoupvotupvoteupvote
andersenep ( 2019-01-03 03:33:32 +0200 )editi wish i could upvote like 10 times.....
misc11 ( 2019-01-03 10:54:33 +0200 )editSimple and straightforward situation: I'm using a Sony XA2 with SFOS now. I don't have Android support. The native browser is old and slow and unresponsive. I could not find any working and/or maintained browsers on openrepos or Jolla store.
Simple and straightforward question: Are there any other native browsers?
(Bonus question: What would stand in the way of a firefox port? I'm no dev, if that isn't already obvious. ;-) )
laubblaeser ( 2019-01-03 18:58:58 +0200 )edit