Problem with SDK 1.24
Some days ago I installed the SDK 1.24, big mistake... Jolla managed to screw up the SDK so that I cannot compile my apps anymore.
The problem is that the stupid worthless validator runs on every compile by default. Of course my apps fail the validator because they use so modern features as Bluetooth which Jolla wouldn't allow since years. If I kick out the validator from the build options it gets added automatically on next compile.
Really emberassing... I hope someone can help me.
The validator doesn't prevent deploying, it runs after the rpm is built (normally).
What errors is the console giving you exactly?
Allstar12345 ( 2019-02-01 21:02:41 +0200 )editThe last output in the compiler screen is:
Validation failed: /home/mersdk/share/git/build-harbour-laufhelden-SailfishOS_3_0_1_11_armv7hl_in_Sailfish_OS_Build_Engine-Debug/RPMS/harbour-laufhelden-1.1.4-1.armv7hl.rpm Clean up 20:24:25: Der Prozess "/home/pydj04/.config/SailfishOS-SDK/mer-sdk-tools/Sailfish OS Build Engine/SailfishOS-" wurde mit dem Rückgabewert 1 beendet. Fehler beim Erstellen/Deployment des Projekts harbour-laufhelden (Kit: SailfishOS- (in Sailfish OS Build Engine)) Bei der Ausführung von Schritt "RPM Validation"
jdrescher2006 ( 2019-02-01 21:26:08 +0200 )editOK I got it now. I had to choose "Deploy as RPM Package", now it works!
jdrescher2006 ( 2019-02-01 21:30:29 +0200 )edit