Xperia XA2 Plus. Touch screen vibration is very weak, virtually absent, there is a crackling sound.
Xperia XA2 Plus. Touch screen vibration is very weak, virtually absent, there is a crackling sound. During the call the vibration is good.
This is a phone problem, not Sailfish. Android is also bad works on a shorts vibrations.
I want to be able to set the duration of the vibration for the Theme.
Same here on my 4493. Worked the few minutes I ran it on Android, though. Vibration on 3113 OTOH is schtronk.
Kopekenscheich ( 2019-03-11 22:49:29 +0200 )editIf it's not a bug, there's a way to pimp it. It's called
(non graphical feedback daemon), and you can configure it via text files. See/usr/share/ngfd
A GUI to
lakutalo ( 2019-03-12 12:07:24 +0200 )editngfd
would be fine, though. -> (