Jolla 1 with outstanding uptime
Well not a question, but just wanting to share.
I noticed that my Jolla 1 has whopping uptime:
$ uptime
18:53:11 up 474 days, 4:45, 2 users, load average: 0.12, 0.16, 0.36
$ grep PRETTY /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="SailfishOS (Haapajoki) (armv7hl)"
Yup, I have not updated it for very long time. I currently use it just as sound recorder.
The interesting thing I found it that timed
stopped responding between 2018-11-03 and 2018-11-06. That is suspiciously close to 1 year since it was started:
$ ps -o lstart -C timed-qt5
Sat Nov 11 14:08:12 2017
timedclient-qt5 -l
freezes and clock shows empty list of timers and alarms.
This might be a peculiar bug, but again it might have been already fixed in subsequent releases.
Any ideas what might be fun to check before I reboot this device?
Would be nice to know if timed is actually stuck or not ...
anything else -> not ok
dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply / org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer.Ping
practically immediate reply message -> ok
If it is stuck and you are familiar with gdb: Installing timed debug packages, attaching gdb to running timed process + getting backtrace would be nice.
Since the process is likely to have been stuck for ages, there probably is nothing interesting in the logs, but might be worthwhile to try anyway - something like:
And perhaps check if restarting timed succeeds (process id changes) and restores functionality (the timedclient things that were not working)?
spiiroin ( 2019-03-01 10:42:05 +0200 )edit