Secure mail client via EMP Service?
asked 2019-03-29 13:16:16 +0200

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Is SailfishOS client "Secure mail client via EMP Service"? Whatever it is... :(
It is mandated by my company for enabling gaining access to corporate emails/calendar (via MS Exchange)...
Haha! Fun question. The Jolla Email app is secured against electro-magnetic pulse by the case of your phone. No, honestly, please elaborate where this abbreviation comes from ...
Maus ( 2019-03-29 13:35:36 +0200 )editExchange Mail Protocol, maybe? You can find Exchange services in the Store.
nthn ( 2019-03-29 13:57:35 +0200 )editExchange Mail Protocol is my best guess, too - but not elaborated in the company.portal... :(
trying to.figure it out but IT departments, you know... ;)
hoped for one is knowing it, especially the 'secure' part...
zlutor ( 2019-03-29 16:04:28 +0200 )editI know a lot three-letter abbreviations for Exchange ActiveSync (EAS being the obvious one) but if your EMP really means ActiveSync over HTTPS, then yes, Exchange support from the Store will do!
Maus ( 2019-03-29 16:32:58 +0200 )editIs it new thing or it is there since the beginning?
zlutor ( 2019-03-29 16:58:39 +0200 )edit