Sony to slash smartphone workforce
Came across this article: Sony to slash smartphone workforce 50% by 2020 and wonder if this could negatively impair Jolla/Sailfish?
I hope not, but it would be more reassuring if the Sony smartphone business would be flourishing.
This is sad. Sony is one of the few manufacturers which embrace open source and ship their phones with recent kernels / Android versions as well as keep the software up-to-date. Related Hacker News discussion:
skvark ( 2019-03-31 14:56:08 +0200 )editMaybe that explains the slashing?
tortoisedoc ( 2019-03-31 19:50:39 +0200 )editThey first remove the jack from compact series after which teh sales got down then they did remove the compact series and sales went down again now they wondering what's wrong... well there's a lot of phones on the the market that's of the size of the frying pane, and no alternative for peoples that would like to buy small phones - latest xperia compact is too big. So in the end Sony offer is very limited and there's nothing interesting for the mass market. They could get back compact with jack and get their niche at least.
And last thing is their DRM stuff that makes camera useless once you install AOSP or any non stock firwamre.
lolek ( 2019-04-01 00:17:08 +0200 )edit