[] Tones AND Alters Reset WHEN EVERY UPDATE
asked 2019-04-26 07:28:10 +0200

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i have change the tones and alter by myself,when i update my Saifish ,it always reset system default,keep it plz
I have no clue what you mean.
bomo ( 2019-04-26 15:22:25 +0200 )editI have noticed the same problem after every update. System tones are played instead of what I have previously set. Usually at night time I notice this when default Email tone is played. I have set it to "No sound". I'm not sure what fixes it, maybe modifying sound settings or changing ambience. Currently using XA2, but has happened with other phones as well.
Rulli ( 2019-04-26 17:32:58 +0200 )edit