XA2 Dual SIM Issue
Hi All,
As part of testing My XA2+ Dual SIM prior to Unlock. I tested dual sim operation.
All worked OK Both SIMS were from the same MVNO (Second one was a spare for in-laws when visiting from oversees.)
Since all checks came back OK, I unlocked and flashed Sailfish.
SIM Issues. On sailfish
Spare SIM was in slot 2 wouldn't register on XA2. Registers on my X fine (Sailfish as well) Back in XA2 Slot 1 this time. Still won't register to network. XA2 Identifies SIM correctly. Mean while my main SIM is working in either slot 1 or 2. however when both SIMS active I was unable to receive a call, disable spare SIM and main SIM works as expected, in either slot.
Thinking it was the same operator causing a confusion in sailfish, coupled with finding a sale on another provider another MVNO using a different network. So I ported my main number to the new provider to test and enjoy some savings. New SIM works correctly in either slot 1 or 2. However for a while I couldn't send SMS while spare SIM was in XA2 even if disabled. Take out spare SIM, sending SMS worked again.
Spare SIM still works correctly in the X
Next try another new cheap PAYG SIM from the same MVNO as the Spare, won't register in either slot or even if it's the only SIM. Seemingly no SIM from this MVNO will work, my original SIM is now permanently disabled as I ported my number away. I'm concerned that any new SIM from this MVNO or potentially the network they use and any sub MVNO will not work.
I'm down to reset/flash again or fix somehow. Flash is no go for now. So fixing, I've tried the following
- Removing all references to SIM data in /var/lib/ofono nope that didn't help.
- Removing all references of interface from /var/lib/connman
- Numerous restarts with various SIM setups. i.e. swap slots, check SIM works in other phone. (Running same Sailfish version)
I'm thinking that somehow Sailfish on this device is confusing my original SIM for all subsequent SIMS form the same operator. I can no longer try my original main SIM as I've ported my number away and now it's permanently disabled.
So is there anywhere else that SIM/Operator data is stored that I should clear to try to get this other SIM to work?