Telegram integration
It would be really nice, if users could login to Telegram in the settings the same way as they can login to Google for example, then they would able to make and receive phone calls with Telegram. And also to manage contacts with the Contacts app. The idea could later extend to any web based services which can provide APIs for it.
Yeah, would be really great and a definite selling point if any messenger could be integrated into the system. I am dreaming of seeing that happen for a long long time. :)
inta ( 2019-05-08 22:05:50 +0200 )editYeah it was a bit like that in the beginning, with all the XMPP clients / support, you could use the Facebook chat like that and set online status etc. Until XMPP was dropped at some point and it stopped working. Integrated chat for various protocols and accounts would be great! It is amazing to access all these different platforms with a native uniform Sailfish OS experience
cquence ( 2019-05-09 00:35:15 +0200 )edit