QML noob question: Alter default bool
unfortunately I know exactly nothing about QML. Syntax isn't completely cryptic to me, but I'm stuck finding out where some kind of initialization happens after declaration (which I think I found - if one can compare runtime prototype definition and variable declaration... sorry for this ugly blending, I don't speak QML or any other object oriented language well/at all).
So I see that e.g. DisplaySettings.lidSensorEnabled
is true by default, as opposed to DisplaySettings.lowPowerModeEnabled.
I guess the setting is predefined in lib/libsystemsettings.so, so at compile time. Is there a way to change the bool at system startup time?
Thanks, -harry
try this: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtqml-component.html#completed-signal
coderus ( 2019-05-18 00:16:10 +0200 )edit