bluetooth conection to victron energy mppt 75/15 bt
asked 2019-05-19 22:14:02 +0200

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i have a solar charger from victron energy mppt 75/25 with build in Bluetooth and download the victron connection android app to set up my charger. but i cant connect to the device. i get a message "problem with paring, the passcode does not match." but there is no way to set the code. the factory code is 000000. the manual say do not connect the device outside the victron app but the app did not find the device. so someone know how to connect the victron charger to my xperia x ?
thank you and greetz
Not sure if this will help but try bluetoothctl (you need to enable developer mode and then open terminal)
run bluetoothctl
try pairing
if not working you may play with advertise <uuid> of a service. No idea though what kind of service this would be.</uuid>
deloptes ( 2019-05-20 23:53:21 +0200 )editok, thank you. i try to follow your instructions. it work for me so i am able now to connect to the device but the Android app still did not find the device.
wood ( 2019-05-21 20:48:59 +0200 )editIn my case I have severe problem with the fact that Sailfish X (since 2.1 or 2.2) is now with bluez5 and many things are not working, while older version are with bluez4 where these same things work.
My biggest problem is the car audio, but not only. I need to spend some time in the car with the phone and the notebook so that I can play with all those service advertisements etc. As mentioned before you can play with them more easily. Let me know if it helped, pls.
deloptes ( 2019-05-22 10:20:42 +0200 )editi do not have a lot off skills. i do not understand how to try different services. i never do before. so i need help in detail to understand how to do.
wood ( 2019-05-25 10:34:23 +0200 )editsame issue here, using XA2 with Build when trying to connect to my Victron MPPT 75/15 Solar Charger via Bluetooth. The app mentions, that pairing should not be
M4nu31 ( 2020-06-03 09:06:33 +0200 )edit