IS better extract SIM and SD Card before flashing Sailfish OS?
IS better extract SIM and SD Card before flashing Sailfish OS? I'm not sure if it's necesary this...
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IS better extract SIM and SD Card before flashing Sailfish OS? I'm not sure if it's necesary this...
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Asked: 2019-05-28 20:00:11 +0200
Seen: 272 times
Last updated: May 29 '19
My Jolla does not recognise any micro sd card. What I can do? [answered]
A dual sim with TOH [not relevant]
Other half with microSD breakout slot [off-topic]
.avi files better support [answered]
MicroSD as removable drive in Windows [released]
Bug: SD card formatted to ext4/btrfs is not mounted automatically [released]
(bug)better sdcard support for music (and all other)
Camera should have an option to select where to save photos [released]
Recommended file system type & partitioning scheme for the microSD card? [answered]