Sony Xperia X - stuck blank lock screen
asked 2019-05-30 14:41:13 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Not sure if this was reported before, but here is a workaround at least.
Precondition: this may or may not be required as a precondition, but it is in my case: double tap to wake is enabled.
Problem: try to unlock the Xperia X and all you get is a blank screen. Upon closer inspection, the backlight comes on, but nothing else.
EDIT: I've recently come across with an alternative way of getting out of this situation: cover the light sensor (top of the phone, perhaps use the phone to cover the while edge above the screen), press the power button, wait about half a second, remove the hand. It takes some practice, but it works (at least in SFOS 3.3). If you consider the old solution below, it's much preferable.
[OLD] Quick solution: restart the phone
If you don't want to restart the phone _and_ have ssh access to it: (as root) systemctl restart mce
did you try power button twice after this situation: turn off, turn on. In case that works then there are answers here somewhere.
potski ( 2019-05-31 06:55:40 +0200 )editpotski: double press power button doesn't work. I already stated that power cycling fixes the problem, but the idea of this post is to provide an alternative to rebooting for people who e.g., have an encrypted SD card and don't want to type the password too often.
gabriel ( 2019-05-31 11:40:09 +0200 )editHappened to me as well (for the first time) on a XA2+ (SF 3.3.0). Finger print sensor switches on the screen but I cannot unlock and can't swipe to screen to enter my unlock code.
jollajo ( 2020-06-07 18:47:40 +0200 )editsystemctl restart mce
didn't do anything for me. So I had to reboot.jollajo: perhaps for the XA2+ the problem is different as restarting mce was always a successful workaround when you have SSH access.
gabriel ( 2020-06-07 20:24:36 +0200 )edit