askbot: Cancel button issue [not relevant]
It seems that cancel button during comment edits doesn't work with jolla until character counter is reached 99 or below.
Please check....
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
It seems that cancel button during comment edits doesn't work with jolla until character counter is reached 99 or below.
Please check....
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Asked: 2014-01-29 00:05:01 +0200
Seen: 135 times
Last updated: Jan 29 '14
What is the difference between answering and commenting on a question? [answered]
Is downvoting harmful? [answered]
Markdown basics [not relevant]
break down your ideas/feature requests
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Increase character count limit for comments on Together [answered]
Askbot-bug: markup-bar enabled for comment but markup is not used [off-topic]
@Kari: Cannot reproduce this from Jolla broswer or desktop one. Note that you have to input a minimum of 10 characters and up to 500 (used to be 300)... Wondering how you can trigger this. Please give details or close if this isn't reproducible (the issue would likely relate to caching then), thanks!
eric ( 2014-02-04 11:34:30 +0200 )editCancel button seems to work correctly, at least with SF OS
Kari ( 2015-08-10 15:09:59 +0200 )edit