Use google location services in maps instead defaults?
Hi, I use Google Maps on SailfishOS and I have question because it don`t show position when I moving so is there any way to use google location services and make access to GPS for this app?
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Hi, I use Google Maps on SailfishOS and I have question because it don`t show position when I moving so is there any way to use google location services and make access to GPS for this app?
You need Google Play services, but I think you could use the Open Source reimplementation, microG, for this. Here is a Installation guide from TJC.
I have google play services, but how change this location services?
Stanislav1988 ( 2019-06-23 20:10:32 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-06-23 18:39:36 +0200
Seen: 384 times
Last updated: Jun 23 '19
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