2019-07-17 11:01:38 +0200
Yes, /usr/local
should normally be included, but...
That is actually a bug for the package on openrepos, too!
Standard practice for prefixes:
is used for stuff that you yourself compile locally (as in, running ./configure && make && devel-su make install
on your phone's shell). Maybe that's why Jolla forgot it? They didn't pre-install gcc etc. so perhaps they weren't expecting people to compile locally. /usr
is used by your system, i.e.: everything you install with a package manager. Either base system or extensions from 3rd party oackage repos. (and that's litteraly what openrepos and mer's OBS are). So it's an error by the packager, they've forgotten to put the prefix in the SPEC file for building the RPM. /opt
is used for 3rd party vendor software that usually isn't even packaged. (e.g.: install scripts of NVidia CUDA put system-wide installation there, and in the case of Sailfish, that's where Aliendalvik Android application compatibility layer resides).
you should kindly ask the packager to put their stuff in /usr
prefix, it's an error to put it in /usr/local
What device and version?
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2019-07-13 13:38:41 +0200 )editIt is the latest version, (Hossa). I should have mentioned that, but surely this would most probably apply to all versions? Device XA2.
mortenbo ( 2019-07-14 10:37:02 +0200 )edit