[BUG] [XA2,] Notification not hide automatically

asked 2019-07-19 10:25:09 +0300

sashikknox gravatar image

updated 2019-07-23 14:53:39 +0300

jovirkku gravatar image

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).
image description

Update: Messages notifications (SMS) not hide too, if message viewed in Messages application.

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The notifications of text messages (SMS) and Whatsapp messages are automatically cleared from the Events view when reading those messages. Tested this again with XA2/

Would it help if you restart the phone?

jovirkku ( 2019-07-23 15:19:03 +0300 )edit

no, i can delete notifications manually, but it colllect there again

sashikknox ( 2019-07-23 15:22:05 +0300 )edit

I got problems with the notifications also. Need to clear them by hand. Also for every message there is a notification. So for 1 group app with 5 messages there are 5 notifications. It is very crowded on the feedscreen now....

BonoNL ( 2019-08-08 22:52:14 +0300 )edit