idea: "All-in-one Jolla media player"
asked 2014-01-29 15:16:26 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I came upon this idea that there is now a media player which now only serves its purpose as music player. This "media player" could be however expanded to include for example videos, e-books, internet radios, maybe even streaming services like spotify, netflix etc.
Although the idea about a large "media player" is possibly a bit problematic in "developer aspect" it could be quite nice if it could be actually implemented somehow (For example possibility for developers do co-develop different sections of media player app).
All-in-one Jolla media player would help to make using different services and apps from one place instead of multiple separate apps.
The media player does support internet radio (at least via .m3u playlists, I haven't tried .pls). I think I've heard about it supporting video playback as well, but I haven't tried that myself.
FireFly ( 2014-02-08 13:35:22 +0200 )editshould also able to play stream iptv/ipradio with DVB codec H.264 AVC part10 and radio with codec AACplus :-) example: rtp://@
redge73 ( 2014-04-14 23:58:57 +0200 )edit