Can the bluetooth Hands Free Profile be disabled?

asked 2019-07-22 13:42:20 +0200

mikelima gravatar image

updated 2019-07-22 15:30:42 +0200

I recently bough these bluetooth in-ear headset, which has a feature of starting a call to the latest dialed number on double tap.

The problem is it is triggered by accident way too easily; I would rather call only by interacting with the phone only.

So I would like to disable this feature, or in case it is not possible, a way to disable the HFP, which I understand this feature is linked to.

Is there a way to do this currently?

As a workaround, I call myself before a listening session, but if I forget it, I start a call. Sometimes in the middle of the night, and the receiver may not be amused...

Edit: Ideally, I would like to disable only for the specific device I have issue with. So I would like to have a sort of blacklist feature, I guess, but I would gladly accept changing configuration files by hand.

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