Known Issues in 3.1
asked 2019-07-25 19:24:54 +0200
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After my Aqua Fish battery died, I got Xperia XA2 Ultra few months back hoping I could install Sailfish OS in it. I was waiting for a stable Sailfish X version and seems 3.1 is the right version to install.
But I've got few things to be clarified before I install it in my Xperia. The Known Issues section in the release notes says following items
- Voice calls with Whatsapp are not usable as the voice volume level is minimal (if can be heard at all).
- Do not upgrade Android to 9.0
My questions are
- Are voice calls not heard when using phone speaker or while using headphones too (be it wired or bluetooth)?
- Unfortunately I've upgraded to 9.0. Is there any way I can reset my XA2 to 8.x - the version I got when I bought the phone?
- You can hear a very low sound from the loud speaker,some claim that no voice could be heard at all but not in my case.Voice could only come out from the loud speaker at the moment, earpiece and headphones not working at the moment (Android wise)
2.TBH, no idea,maybe others could help u or you could just contact zendesk
babo ( 2019-07-25 20:20:00 +0200 )editHi.. I downgrade my XA2 Ultra with the Xperifirm and FlashTool64.. All right now..
Rafaelvlmendes ( 2019-07-26 19:48:03 +0200 )edit