Dnscrypt on Sailfish
I would like to know if ¿is there any possibility to implement Dnscrypt on Sailfish?, or ¿if at least there are some community guys working on that?
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
I would like to know if ¿is there any possibility to implement Dnscrypt on Sailfish?, or ¿if at least there are some community guys working on that?
There is a possibility already but not as easy as one click/touch. From https://github.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/releases/tag/2.0.25 download linux-arm version dnscrypt-proxy-linux_arm-2.0.25.tar.gz then extract files from tar.gz to /tmp
tar -xzvf ./dnscrypt-proxy-linux_arm-2.0.25.tar.gz -C /tmp
set attribute
chmod +x /tmp/linux-arm/dnscrypt-proxy
then install dnscrypt-proxy service
/tmp/linux-arm/dnscrypt-proxy -service install
edit dnscrypt-proxy conf file according your needs
next step is to disable connman build dns proxy, create file
touch /var/lib/environment/connamn/nodnsproxy.conf
echo 'CONNMAN_ARGS=--nodnsproxy' >var/lib/environment/connamn/nodnsproxy.conf
and force connman to use local dnscrypt-proxy DNS address for network connections, I prefer to set it globaly, for example for all wifi connections edit
and in [WiFi] section add
then restart connmand service
systemctl restart connamnd
and run dnscrypt-proxy service
systemctl start dnscrypt-proxy
Another way to disable ConnMan's DNS proxy is to override its systemd service.
[Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/sbin/connmand -n -W nl80211 --nobacktrace --systemd --noplugin=wifi --nodnsproxy $SYSCONF_ARGS $CONNMAN_ARGS
I also make /etc/resolv.conf
immutable by issuing chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
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Asked: 2019-07-31 12:46:42 +0200
Seen: 1,001 times
Last updated: Aug 04 '19
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