Show more than 10 tweets in Events
The recent tweets list in Events would work nicely as a light-weight Twitter client, but 10 tweets is not nearly enough. Please raise the amount to at least 100 tweets or preferably even to 1000.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
The recent tweets list in Events would work nicely as a light-weight Twitter client, but 10 tweets is not nearly enough. Please raise the amount to at least 100 tweets or preferably even to 1000.
Change the amount of tweets to any desired amount (customized by user, confirming in case that there's possible lack of memory for the desired amount)
@ninepine - We're giving votes here to several optional answers. Customization is one possible answer to fix the situation mentioned in the question. Comments are more for clearing out the question/answer. When there are several optional fixes (answers), the ones voted most might advance to devel.
simo ( 2013-12-28 05:20:43 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-26 01:02:52 +0200
Seen: 551 times
Last updated: Dec 28 '13
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Agree that 10 is too few. Could this be customisable in the App Settings please (e.g. show 10,20,50,all)
ninepine ( 2013-12-26 14:38:01 +0200 )editThe native Twitter feed is useless without the ability to view tweets along with the context of the entire conversation. The limit of 10 tweets is clearly a problem that needs to be resolved by increasing the limit to something more realistic, but that's only half the problem when you can't view the full context of a tweet (this could be pulled in dynamically as you click to view a tweet, so shouldn't take up any more memory).
Milhouse ( 2013-12-28 05:54:03 +0200 )editopen tweeted image as full size when tapping on it should be possible, otherwise you can trash many of your tweets
kelvan ( 2014-01-09 16:51:22 +0200 )editI agree that we need a Jolla produced Twitter (and Facebook) client to supplement the tweets notified in events. Also the number of tweets etc. in events should be customisable in the settings so that you can have say 10, 20, 50 ,100 or all tweets notified since your last interaction.
ninepine ( 2014-01-09 23:19:57 +0200 )editAny news on that? As the 3rd party clients in the Jolla store hasn't been updated for more than a year you either have to stick with the limited functionality in the event viewer for Twitter & Facebook or you have to go with the Android apps... :(
appelgriebsch ( 2015-04-21 10:00:27 +0200 )edit