Update Sailfish tutorial(s)

asked 2019-08-21 21:44:39 +0200

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updated 2019-08-21 21:49:19 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

The 3.1.0 update brought important changes to UI. The on the phone tutorial remains unchanged. The actual phone app, and the on-the–phone tutorial on the phone are different.

Online UI tutorials at jolla.zendesk.com aren't current as well.

Please, provide main UI tutorial which is updated together with the OS updates. The tutorials describing outdated UI functions should be clearly classified as such.

The introduction to UI changes in the Jolla blog post about update is not enough.

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I Just Wish they remove this f**king annoyance, where we have to go through this nonsense everytime we do a reset. It is simple things like this,which jolla wouldn't fix, that get me really pissed.

babo ( 2019-08-22 00:02:39 +0200 )edit


I think I read somewhere that it's possible to skip it.

Filip K. ( 2019-08-22 01:47:14 +0200 )edit

@babo@Filip K. "SKIP the Tutorial introducing the gestures of Jolla by tapping all four corners of the display in clockwise direction - start from top left." from here: link text

Nova ( 2019-08-22 08:39:51 +0200 )edit