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How to restart mobile network without restarting device?

asked 2019-08-27 18:09:17 +0200

juiceme gravatar image

updated 2019-08-27 22:26:58 +0200

olf gravatar image

(edit; fixed the log to look better and added a log from working case...)

Once in a while my XperiaX loses mobile network and os not able to reconnect, similarily as removing and reinserting simcard. My sw version is and I vaguely remember it used to be possible to resgart networking simply by activating and deactivating airplane mode...

Restarting ofono does not help, so I wonder what ks the proper way to restart the whole network stack like from poweroff state but keeping the device fully powered all the time?

FAILURE-log looks like this;

[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl status ofono.service
● ofono.service - Telephony service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ofono.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-08-27 17:55:18 EEST; 4s ago
Main PID: 20976 (ofonod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ofono.service
           └─20976 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=,he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,cdma_pro...

Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding SpeedUp modem driver
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding Phone Simulator driver
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding CDMA AT modem driver
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding External Hands-Free Profile ...in
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding Dial-up Networking Profile P...ns
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Excluding CDMA provisioning Plugin
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Register Profile interface failed: /bl...ag
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: RIL1 version 11
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: SIM card OK
Aug 27 17:55:18 Sailfish ofonod[20976]: Power request failed: GENERIC_FAILURE

WORKING_OK-log looks like this;

● ofono.service - Telephony service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ofono.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-08-27 18:48:05 EEST; 1h 49min ago
 Main PID: 831 (ofonod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ofono.service
           └─831 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=,he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,cdma_pro...

Aug 27 19:40:36 Sailfish ofonod[831]: sms received, smsc_len is 8
Aug 27 19:40:55 Sailfish ofonod[831]: sms received, smsc_len is 8
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: data reg changed 1 -> 0 (unregistered), attached 1
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: Deactivating context: 1
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: data reg changed 0 -> 1 (registered), attached 1
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: Deactivating context: 1
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: Deactivating context: 1
Aug 27 19:44:32 Sailfish ofonod[831]: Clearing active context
Aug 27 19:44:33 Sailfish ofonod[831]: Activating context: 1
Aug 27 19:44:33 Sailfish ofonod[831]: setting up data call
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I think, I am hit by this problem, too: Xperia X with version, mobile turns off and can't be reanabled.

This question is about restarting mobile data. Is there a more general question about this issue "Jolla, please fix this specific bug", too? I would like to vote for it.

It is good, to be able to "repair mobil data", if it is broken. But it would be way better, if the device would repair itself automatically. I don't want to check and manually repair "mobile data" every hour. But I don't want to miss chat messages, too.

ralooyar ( 2019-09-13 10:19:32 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2019-08-27 18:24:15 +0200

Levone1 gravatar image

updated 2019-08-27 18:27:04 +0200

Install Utilities app from Jolla store, and you get an option in Settings...


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I'll try that but there should be a way to do it from console, hmm?

I generally dislike apps and prefer scripting on console. ;)

juiceme ( 2019-08-27 18:27:37 +0200 )edit

OK, installed it and tried the network restart function.

No help there, ofono still complains about "Power request failed: GENERIC_FAILURE"

juiceme ( 2019-08-27 18:37:48 +0200 )edit

I suppose what is needed is reloading the firmwate in SoC.

What is the order everything is brought up in restart, is it possible to manually bring up the stack like it happens in power-up?

juiceme ( 2019-08-27 18:45:43 +0200 )edit

I had to make a phonecall so I rebooted my device but for the future it would be very useful to find out the proper way to recover from that situation...

juiceme ( 2019-08-27 19:29:45 +0200 )edit

same here on xperia x. utilities do not restart anymore, so are useless

pawel ( 2019-08-27 20:41:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-29 00:38:40 +0200

plemil gravatar image

I had similar issues during a trip to Denmark this summer. A never ending mix of roaming issues and the missing SIM-card stuff. I found a guide @zendesk Resetting oFono settings to make mobile data work and Trick #3 is what I used with a twist. As I also did not want to reboot every time I just tried to use systemctl start ofono instead of the final reboot command and this worked for me. This restarted the mobile network without the need of a reboot.

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Thanks, this actually sounds promising.

I'll have to see if emptying /var/lib/ofono helps when I'm hit with this problem again!

juiceme ( 2019-08-29 12:57:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-08-28 20:18:08 +0200

kan_ibal gravatar image

I used to switch Network mode in Settings to re-login in cellular network . Try to set '2G only' and switch back to 4G.

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No, in this case it does not matter what network mode is selected, or whether device is set to airplane mode or not.

juiceme ( 2019-08-28 22:42:19 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-08-27 18:09:17 +0200

Seen: 946 times

Last updated: Aug 29 '19