Too slow searching in People (Xperia X) [duplicate]
I have cca. 1000 contacts in People app. When I type first character delay searching is cca. 4 sec. Next character(s) is searching immediately. Searching is too slow after updating SFOS 3.1. What's the reason?
this is definitely a duplicate. but as I cannot find the other one where I commented earlier I believe this title is better. the deleay you nktice os due to search starting immediately with first char and finding 'e' (or any other character) in contacts will yield a lot of results....
This definitely needs to be fixed/adapted by Jolla.
- only after two/three characters start the search
- time delay of e.g. 500ms before start search
- any better option?
peterleinchen ( 2019-09-03 10:37:11 +0200 )editThe other one is
I will close this one, please upvote the other one.
BonoNL ( 2019-09-03 22:38:50 +0200 )edit