2019-09-03 12:52:04 +0200
In the native contacts app, there is the option to choose google contacts when opening the import assistant.
That was my way to go. I had the contacts at from a Windows 10 Mobile device used before (brilliant sync --> saved new contacts on the phone, saved some meetings in the mobile calender - logged in to my (Windows) Computer - everything already there - all out of the box, no need of extra services, no need of extra Apps, no need of Google).
I had to export the contacts - import them to google - and go from there.
Strange possibility for a system which do not want to relate with Google Services...
The problem - every now and then all my contacts are gone --> empty contacts list on the device (XA2) --> minutes, hours, days later they are back on the device without me doing anything...
But at least I have my contacts synced somewhere...
Maybe it would help to only sync the contacts from Google to the Device only one way, but I want to have my contacs synced (-: