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[Forum] Easy way to find last post/comment in threads

asked 2019-09-12 12:17:49 +0200

Luca gravatar image

updated 2019-09-14 01:45:14 +0200

rozgwi gravatar image

Hi all, is there and easy way to get the last comment or answer in threads?

When you open the home page of this forum you can see there is a recent update on a thread you are following but when you open the thread is often impossible to find the last comment or answer. You have to scroll for all the answers to find the updates.

Am I wrong? Is there a workaround?



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That's how it is. Nothing will change regarding this. Askbot is not the best solution but it is what we have, it is also heavily customised for Jolla's use, so I'm quite sure there will be no move to any other platform or any major changes being made here - this is also just my opinion.

So, no, there is no workaround, we get what we are given.

Spam Hunter ( 2019-09-12 13:43:09 +0200 )edit

I requested the feature for the Voyager app but unfortunately the author of Voyager (@lbee) seems to be lost.

Pohli ( 2019-09-12 14:01:27 +0200 )edit

the sailfish browser is not the best one, especially when your internet connection is weak. when you cancel loading a page, it can take up to more than 10 seconds until you get navigation control again. it opens the new tab after connection is fine, so you don't have navigation for closing or opening new tabs without a connection. even when a page is loading, often you cannot access the controls... which apes invented this behaviour? scroll2bottom is available for example in wikipedia app, working from time to time, this would be the workaround

manu ( 2019-09-12 15:04:37 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2019-09-12 15:21:39 +0200

olf gravatar image

@DaveRo's Firefox plugin Jolla askbot unseen posts nicely indicates all posts you have not seen yet.
Prerequisite: Firefox, Fennec or IceCat under AlienDalvik

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Thanks, unfortunatelly it doesn't help to find the last update, it only highlight what I haven't seen but I have to scroll to find it.

Luca ( 2019-09-12 15:41:12 +0200 )edit

My addon should scroll down to the first unread post.

But it doesn't work well with multi-page threads. If there were a way to force TJC to show everything on one page it would work better - with or without my addon. As would putting release notes in a linked document rather than including them in the 'question' text - which repeats on every page.

I could make the addon skip to the next unread post with a button - but with the multi-page issue it's not worth doing.

DaveRo ( 2019-09-13 09:32:29 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-09-12 17:26:26 +0200

Maus gravatar image

updated 2019-09-13 09:32:30 +0200

A work-around that sometimes works (if there's no paging through the answers): click on the user who made the last change to a thread, then see her/his activity on the activity tab. Identify the thread you're interested in and find a deep link to her/his contribution.

This does not work for edited answers or comments, but it is my favourite way to highlight changes within a confusingly large answer.

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Not so bad but, for example, in your case by clicking in you username it opens a lot of answers and you have to scroll to bottom to find this thread.

Luca ( 2019-09-12 17:50:41 +0200 )edit

@Luca, you need to go the additional step of clicking on the activity tab, which is always sorted by time, and has deep links to the content.

Maus ( 2019-09-13 09:31:57 +0200 )edit

@Maus That's a good workaround.

Luca ( 2019-09-13 16:22:28 +0200 )edit

@Luca answer updated to make the necessity of the additional step clearer.

Maus ( 2019-09-13 16:50:33 +0200 )edit

I add that using on mobile it hide last user update.

Luca ( 2019-09-30 10:32:18 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-09-12 18:51:50 +0200

NuklearFart gravatar image

updated 2019-09-12 18:52:27 +0200

you can.sort all answers by "newest" under the opening post. usually its sorted by best votes.

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Yes, but that only works for answers, not for comments.

olf ( 2019-09-13 00:55:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-09-13 06:50:54 +0200

4carlos gravatar image

It's kind of Jolla, right? It's a little different and it's never really good :-)

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Asked: 2019-09-12 12:17:49 +0200

Seen: 1,295 times

Last updated: Sep 13 '19