Browser idea - stop chasing the system rabbit, embrace other projects? <-forget it even pureOS guys abandoned FF
Browser is lacking, we all know that, but as long as you are running alien-dalvik supported device you can always fall back on firefox mobile and access anything. Problem is when you are running community edition, it's jolla browser, which sucks, webcat which is tied to system libraries that are also updated and always in the chase the rabbit scenario. Any chance jolla gives up on that and embraces gnome that are supposedly devoted to supporting pureOS? If jolla can at least catch up to gtk we would have an up to date browser borrowing their gtk gnome web app? Put the browser developers on something more useful and capitalize on gnome devs working on their project? They are already putting the hard work on getting it all arm-compatible and wayland ready, why not use that?
EDIT: forget it, PureOS guys just announced they are unable to get FF working on arm and will use Epiphany kek, mozilla is just way ahead of any mobile curve, no arm can catch up
you're certainly welcome to pioneer such a thing, if you can get all the requirements built
r0kk3rz ( 2019-09-22 19:52:51 +0200 )editThe whole gnome project dev resources are already on wayland and arm? They commited to PureOS, whole fsf was behind them which means more manpower, why not use what they built?
szopin ( 2019-09-22 19:54:43 +0200 )editedit: and that's not even taking into consideration the whole communication stack integrated into matrix, which would be also a cool addition ala n900
If we had Qt5.9 and decent version of QtWebEngine the browser issue would fix itself with third party browsers, that's the only thing stopping me.
Allstar12345 ( 2019-09-22 20:15:47 +0200 )editWouldn't browser issues just be delayed until 5.12? Having gtk and gnome devs working on having their toolkit fully arm and wayland compatible would take a lot of baggage from jolla devs, just port gtk and their browser will be up to date, no matter which Qt version ships on the phone?
szopin ( 2019-09-22 20:20:32 +0200 )editDelayed until Qt6 at the current rate of progress :sigh: Don't get me wrong it may help Jolla but I don't see it happening any time soon
Allstar12345 ( 2019-09-22 20:24:19 +0200 )edit