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How to send a file using XMLHttpRequest

asked 2019-10-01 20:37:41 +0200

tmy gravatar image

updated 2019-10-01 22:27:40 +0200

I'm developing a sailfish app in QML + javascript. Is there a way to send a file (image) to an endpoint using HTTP POST? Apparently QML javascript does not support FormData, which would have been a solution.

Currently I'm using something like this:

function api_post(callback, end_point, send_data, params) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    params = params || {};

    var parameters = "";
    for (var p in params) {
        parameters += "&" + p + "=" + params[p];
    var request = api_url + end_point + "?personToken=" + person_token + "&access_token=" + access_token + parameters;
    send_data = JSON.stringify(send_data)

    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {processRequest(xhr, callback);};

    xhr.open('POST', request, true);
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");

function processRequest(xhr, callback, e) {

    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
        var response
        try {
            response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
        catch (e) {
            response = xhr.responseText
        callback(xhr.status, response);

But this only works for text data.

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This works for me. The code is used to control an IR LED strip via WiFi using a NodeMCU;

Rectangle { id: brightnessUp; width: 80; height: 80; radius: 40; color: "white"
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {
            function getData(url) {
                var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()
                xhttp.onreadystatechange = function(myxhttp) {
                    if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
                        console.log("Brightness UP")
                    return function() {
                        if(myxhttp.readyState === 4) callback(myxhttp)
                xhttp.open("GET", "")

If there is a less clunky way of doing this, I'd like to see it :)

RELATED: https://together.jolla.com/question/16995/xmlhttprequest-responsetext-cutting-off-data/

Spam Hunter ( 2019-10-01 21:22:12 +0200 )edit

My question is about how to send an image file from a sailfish app to a remote endpoint. I have already figured out how to handle text data (yeah, the same clunky way :) ), but not how to send a binary file.

tmy ( 2019-10-01 22:15:04 +0200 )edit

My bad, speed reading again!

Spam Hunter ( 2019-10-02 12:34:56 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-10-02 09:52:32 +0200

Max-Might gravatar image

updated 2019-10-02 10:10:57 +0200

I have not tested it but you could try this: sending typed arrays as binary data.

You just have to read your image (or any other file) as an int array and use the same xhr.send() call.

Alternatively you can check out if duperagent supports this.

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Thanks! I'll try this next and report back.

tmy ( 2019-10-02 17:02:30 +0200 )edit

Apparently typed arrays are not supported in QML either.

tmy ( 2019-10-06 17:30:58 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-10-01 20:37:41 +0200

Seen: 1,194 times

Last updated: Oct 02 '19