Is it possible to make Sailfish OS childproof?
asked 2019-10-03 20:13:10 +0200
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Dear ladies and gentlemen, is it possible to make Sailfish OS childproof? I would like to limit Internet connections and WLAN time. Are there any solutions? I will use a Xperia X Compact. Thanks a lot
It would be better to specify what features you mean exactly by "childproof". Restricting calls? Time-limiting internet access? Black- or whitelisting porn sites? Restricting usage to just a few approved apps? Preventing you kid from deleting your files? From changing settings? From sending nude pictures? From smashing the phone on the ground (good luck)?
Federico ( 2019-10-03 21:14:08 +0200 )editMaybe easier, set it up in your router. Kids always find a workaround on their own device. Proven on Apple platform too (just google, you'll find more than 1)
JSEHV ( 2019-10-03 23:43:06 +0200 )editMost router parental filtering is just useless i.e you can block everything by time. or by website always. The only router I could get which let me restrict specific websites by time, was Synology
(problem with using router filtering, is they can use cellular data to bypass,)
bongo ( 2019-10-04 06:41:30 +0200 )editIt is probably best to activate the filter in the router. But what to do with the cellular connections?
Wolle ( 2019-10-06 10:01:52 +0200 )edit