Librem 5 Support?
New Open phone product. Should support Sailfish right?
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New Open phone product. Should support Sailfish right?
Someone would need to port sailfish to that device, which should be possible and maybe not even that hard if you know what you're doing.
In theory SFOS is capable of using a native Linux driver based hardware adaptation, see:
martonmiklos ( 2019-10-21 12:27:59 +0200 )editDon't know if this should be an answer or a comment?
what would be the point? Librem 5 is open source, Sailfish not. Personally, if I would spend the money for a Librem 5, I certainly would not want to have non-free code on it
there was a bit a strange interview recently ([1], [2]). But let's hope for the best for all open source phones (and also Sailfish)
[1] [2]
Why would you want a working phone interface? If you're really idealistic sure, who cares about UI, especially closed UI, then again have you seen those close buttons in android/iOS in top left corner? Now that is example of shit UI, I'd rather have closed sfos than shitUI, but you do you
szopin ( 2019-10-22 07:45:47 +0200 )edit@szopin, that's more or less what I meant. I too prefer the quite wonderful Sailfish, lot's of parts are open and I accept that the UI is closed. Waht I don't understand is why one would want the Librem HW when there is Sony which most likely is a much better hardware (cannot tell myself as I still run small nice Jolla 1 phones). -- I wonder a bit about phrases like 'Someone would need...' from the first answer. I almost bet that the 'someone' who is capable to do this would prefer a full libre phone, but who knows.
chappi ( 2019-10-22 11:36:36 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-10-21 04:51:45 +0200
Seen: 1,229 times
Last updated: Oct 21 '19
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