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Fingerprints removal is only way to disable "wake screen/unlock device by fingerprint" feature

Tracked by Jolla

asked 2019-10-28 13:50:51 +0200

kandelabra gravatar image

updated 2019-10-30 12:24:47 +0200

To be short: I would like to temporarily disable fingerprint wake/unlock option, without deleting all stored fingerprints. There is no way to do it now. If at least one fingerprint is stored this feature is active.

In addition option name is misleading. It is called "Unlock device using FP recognition" But this option is active even if device lock is completely disabled so indeed it only wakes the screen.

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Minor issue - the picture of XA is shown even on XA2:

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-10-29 10:30:41 +0200

spiiroin gravatar image

Stopping fingerprint service effectively does what you want.

Requires root privileges i.e. developer-mode needs to be activated and then after executing:


Disable fingerprint usage until manual enable / device reboot:

systemctl stop sailfish-fpd

Persistently disabling fingerprint usage:

systemctl mask sailfish-fpd

Enabling again:

systemctl unmask sailfish-fpd
systemctl start sailfish-fpd
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Thank you for your recipe, but I preffer to see this option in UI.

kandelabra ( 2019-10-29 12:17:29 +0200 )edit

@kandelabra: I filed a ticket about this, but adding new settings ui items for behavioral changes is something that nearly ever happens.

But, could you elaborate on why such possibility might be useful for you?

spiiroin ( 2019-10-29 12:45:47 +0200 )edit

@spiiroin Mainly because I believe that fingerprints will be used for some other features beside phone lock - i.e. for app locking. Also I might have durty/cold/damaged fingers while some activity, cold enviroment so I wear gloves (they can be touchscreens wise, but surely they will not transmit my fingerprint).

And the ultimate reason is that fingerprint sensor seems to be very power consuming, so I have to disable it when I far from a plug.

kandelabra ( 2019-10-29 13:15:54 +0200 )edit

Aah, I forget one more important reason. Here in Russia you should disable fingerprint unlock if you have any chance to be arrested. It is much easier to force you to use you finger than to tell your pin-code. And when you are safe you can enjoy easy unlocking again.

kandelabra ( 2019-10-29 13:27:55 +0200 )edit

@kandelabra: fp sensor is used for authentication only in limited conditions: device must be locked, display on, and lockscreen / device unlock prompt / lpm ui on screen -> unlikely to cause major drain.

On the other hand using fp sensor for waking up the device does cause some drain, which depending on device type, how well p-sensor works, and other circumstances may or may not be significant -> disabling that might be more relevant if you want to maximize battery life.

There is UI way for that either, but it can be done from command line (regular "nemo" user will suffice) via:

mcetool --set-fingerprint-wakeup-mode=never

The default value varies between devices, so for restoring use:

mcetool --reset-settings=/system/osso/dsm/fingerprint/mode
spiiroin ( 2019-10-29 13:32:07 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-10-28 13:50:51 +0200

Seen: 587 times

Last updated: Oct 30 '19