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Sony Xperia 1 added to Sony's Open Devices program ....

asked 2019-10-31 13:26:38 +0200

launchpad gravatar image

updated 2019-10-31 22:07:40 +0200

Sebix gravatar image

An expectable SFOS candidate ?

The Xperia 10 does not differ too much from the XA2 to justify an hardware update for XA2-users. Quite interesting, if Jolla could convince Sony to even add its Xperia 5 to the Open Devices Program - as this seems to be the more plausible form factor.

Interesting also to see how the native camera app will handle access to multiple focal lengths smoothly UI-wise ....

Link: Xperia 1 added to Sony's Open Devices program



Oh yeah, another HW slab where the X, XA2 are in such a 'good' state. Would make sense!?

Just try to get some info from your current phone with current browser about that thing

And then tell me it makes sense...

peterleinchen ( 2019-10-31 23:13:50 +0200 )

Did you think that Sony add their High-End Device to the Open Devices Program?

Stanislav1988 ( 2019-11-01 06:34:18 +0200 )

@Stanislav1988 : They actually did. Just follow the link above.

launchpad ( 2019-11-02 01:28:26 +0200 )

@peterleinchen : You're proposing no life after X / XA2 ? Denial of advancement ? Really ?

launchpad ( 2019-11-02 01:35:46 +0200 )

No, that is not what I meant!

What about advancement of basics? mail, browser, SIP, OOM issues, GPS, and so on and so on .....

I really regret to have made the "jump" to XA2. One year after I bought it!!! Read it again! I regret to use a phone for which SFOS was made available one year ago!

My JollaC is still better, not that much issues as I have with the XA2. Why so many still use Jolla1!

For me the step to XA2 (did think about X as I also do like new HW but abandonded that soon) is a REGRESSION! No sneak peek, no double-tap to wake, no FM, camera is a joke (to say it friendly) ...

peterleinchen ( 2019-11-02 10:59:17 +0200 )
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2 Answers

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answered 2019-11-04 17:02:21 +0200

Cryx gravatar image

updated 2019-11-04 17:02:49 +0200

I totally agree with the idea. Sailfish OS ist the European Smartphone OS, and it's somehow still an OS for people interested in smartphone and IT things. The actual Sailfish OS running devices all lack their low specs, but this us a High End phone an no low or mid range phone (even the XA2 is slow compared to other mid range phones).

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answered 2019-11-10 12:30:28 +0200

bigmax gravatar image

Hello! I am new here and I am getting more and more interested in Sailfish OS (I wanted the Nokia N9 but was too young back in the days).

Now I am very to see that the Xperia 1 has been added to the Open Device program, with the hope that it will be the next offical device for Sailfish OS. I don't know a lot about development but I know that I shouldn't be fooled by the Xperia 10 and Xperia 1 sharing the same form factor. I think those two are more different than the XA2 and 10.
But I really hope that it will be supported because I want my next phone to be supported for as long as possible.

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Asked: 2019-10-31 13:26:38 +0200

Seen: 1,620 times

Last updated: Nov 10 '19