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2 on XA2 Dual SIM: SD-Card in Android

asked 2019-11-08 19:58:53 +0200

WT.Sane gravatar image

First I am really quite happy with the last update but I miss the support for the SD card in Adroid apps. It worked with "mount-sdcard" from openrepos in the previous OS version but now there does not seem to be a way. I tried symbolic links and bindfs to no avail.

Can anyone maybe suggest a solution?

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RTFM! ;\
I.e., file an issue and include (cut&paste) what debugging as described in section 4.3.5 outputs, but substitute each crypto with mmcblk1 in the commands.

olf ( 2019-11-09 01:02:12 +0200 )edit

Maybe your issue is identical to "Android storage on SD card after update?", I cannot tell by reading both descriptions.

olf ( 2019-11-13 02:23:33 +0200 )edit

This may also be related to "SD-Card not automatically mounted after reboot" (which is already "Tracked by Jolla").

olf ( 2019-11-14 00:43:17 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-11-11 02:01:19 +0200

olf gravatar image

Nothing significant was altered from SailfishOS 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 WRT the handling of SD cards.
Hence mount-sdcard and crypto-sdcard continue to work fine.

But some flawed change seems to have been introduced with SailfishOS 3.2.0 in AlienDalvik (the Android runtime environment) WRT the location of the /storage/sdcard0 mount point, see "Android's default SD card path broken in SFOS 3.2.0".
Still, with a proper Android file-manager (e.g. OI Filemanager) everything is accessible as usual.

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I am glad that it should work. So everything is fine except, that it dosen't work. I might also keep OI Filemanager and just copy my files to the phone. Thank you for your kind advice

WT.Sane ( 2019-11-12 12:17:17 +0200 )edit

Well, there was none, except maybe implicitly "wait for this to be fixed by Jolla". ;\

Note that I cannot and hence did not test the peculiarities of the AOSP 8 based AlienDalvik, as I use an Xperia X, currently.

My answer was not meant to provide a solution for you, it was merely intended to assure you that your issue is not caused by the basic mounting mechanisms (with or without mount-sdcard), but something else (e.g. AlienDalvik's extensive use of bindmounts in v8).

olf ( 2019-11-13 01:59:37 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-11-08 19:58:53 +0200

Seen: 497 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '19