OS Update fail: Ask before recommencing download

asked 2019-11-12 22:51:49 +0300

rozgwi gravatar image

updated 2019-11-12 23:08:27 +0300

I just lost over 400 Mb of my mobile internet volume because the update wizard restarted the download (of 3.2.0) in the last quarter of the download process.
There was no warning or indication whatsoever. (As a side note I was a bit upset about the update being 480Mb instead of 'about 380Mb' as noted in the announcement. I took the liberty of adjusting that).
Neither can I cancel the download to postpone to a later time when I might get access to a WLAN.

I'm abroad on a network limited to 3G (hence losing 400 Mb is somewhat painful). Usually it's stable but there are occasional decreases im signal strength.

I would have thought that Sailfish OS is capable to resume the download of an update when the connection should be interrupted.
Isn't updating basically dowloading a number of RPM packages? Why won't the already downloaded ones be cached?

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I understand that losing those 400Mb is annoying and the updating process could be improved - I also experienced in the past, that the update process couldn't resume and had to download all the data again. But I would never try to update a device having limited mobile data and using a not always stable roaming network. Doesn't matter what system you're using (incl. desktop systems) - it's always recommended using a stable connection with unlimited data.

molan ( 2019-11-13 14:21:04 +0300 )edit

True, an unlimited landline is best. But I'm not roaming (where I am it's 3G mobile data or a FreeWiFi bar - which in term might also use a 3G/4G router).

with Linux Mint (Ubutu based, APT package management) i don't have any problems apart having to replace unreachable mirror servers. but that's before any packages are downloaded.
With RPM based package managers I don't have any experience though.

rozgwi ( 2019-11-13 14:34:50 +0300 )edit