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Migrate from Xperia X to Xperia XA2

asked 2019-11-16 20:38:39 +0200

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updated 2019-11-17 02:34:39 +0200

abc123 gravatar image

I was trying to migrate SMS and MMS from my Xperia X with sailfish OS to an XA2 Plus with sailfish OS I used sqlite3 to dump the old database and also copied /home/nemo/.local/share/commhistory/data/ But when i was about to import on my new XA2 Plus i didn't have sqlite3 installed so now i wonder things have changed on XA2 and how one should migrate? Contacts can be backed up and restored from the app but i guess that there's a better way to do it.

The information i found searching this forum was mostly dated and not valid anymore. How should one migrate to a newer device while keeping old call history, SMS, MMS, contacts and so on. I don't use any cloud services but maybe someone else do. IIRC i used to be able to chose what apps to include in a backup but it's not possible anymore.

I made it a wiki so this post can be edited.

How to backup and restore Call history and messages SMS, MMS (this method does not include MMS attachments).
The "commhistory-tool import" can be used to restore commhistory-tool_calls.dump and commhistory-tool_groups.dump from a backup.
If you instead copy the hole /home/nemo/.local/share/commhistory folder from the old to the new device then you will end up with the call log, SMS and MMS including all attachments just like it was on the old device.

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You should just make a backup from settings, and then restore it on the new phone. I just did it a few days ago. Or am I totally missing what you're saying?

Tanghus ( 2019-11-16 20:55:42 +0200 )edit

I don't think that will migrate everything. My question was intended to be more how to backup and restore manually since all information i find here seems dated and doesn't apply anymore. I already have data on the new XA2 Plus that i also need to keep

abc123 ( 2019-11-16 22:24:07 +0200 )edit

It does migrate gallery, accounts, old call history, SMS, MMS, calendar and contacts. If you could find out what program does the actual backup you could either copy code or maybe call it directly?

Tanghus ( 2019-11-16 23:22:09 +0200 )edit

Does it migrate pictures in /home/nemo/.local/share/commhistory/data/ as well? I have used manual backups before but things have changed and i can't backup or restore the data as i did before.

abc123 ( 2019-11-16 23:40:39 +0200 )edit

It doesn't seem to include attachments for MMS. "Attachments of MMS messages (i.e. pictures and other media files) are not backed up."https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201804906/#IsIncl

abc123 ( 2019-11-17 00:04:24 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-11-17 00:39:49 +0200

Keeper-of-the-Keys gravatar image

Make a backup to a microSD card and then restore (settings), it will bring all contacts, SMS etc while also generating a clean DB.

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I've always used this method with no issues. Seems like it's maybe the most reliable and easiest solution

Sakke ( 2019-11-17 11:35:34 +0200 )edit

I did this yesterday to migrate from Jolla 1 to XA2 and I'm shocked how little this did to "restore your device just the way it was". Calendar, yes, Contacts, yes, except all profile images were set to the oldest ones.(Or maybe not al all, I might have gotten those from a manual contacts import/export) SMS, yes Call history, partially. The list, yes, but not the recordings. Home folder, partially (only Photo's and Videos folders) Jolla account username and password: no (maybe deliberate for security?) Ambiances, no. No wallpapers, ringtones or setting, etc. Also disabled wallpapers were enabled again. Installed apps, no. As expected expected, but would have been nice, even if it would just reinstall the list. App settings, no (browser bookmarks, highscores, saved GPS locations, noto notes, etc,) Alarms, no Weather location, no App folders, no Top menu setting, no Known wifi connection, no System setting, no

roland684 ( 2019-12-09 23:51:46 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2019-11-16 20:38:39 +0200

Seen: 497 times

Last updated: Nov 17 '19