VoLTE support removed silently in Sailfish3 plan???
As you can see in Sailfish3 announcement, the connectivity part, VoLTE support is gone...Original is like that Original
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As you can see in Sailfish3 announcement, the connectivity part, VoLTE support is gone...Original is like that Original
answered 2019-11-24 09:33:53 +0200
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Hi @James thank you for the clear words and destroying the reason why I'm here! I was buying JP1 and I was buying the tablet (I never got) with a decision based on the features Jolla has/had on the list. My reason to support the Jolla Team was the experience with my Nokia Phones in the past and the best VoIP client in a mobile (N97). After 6 Years there is nothing left. 2 years ago I had hope again ... the SIP client was working so that I could receive calls but even this is not possible anymore. With your statement you say that your customers do not demand a VoIP solution - so what am I? Thank you for that birthday present. Btw. The JP1 was my birthday present 6 years ago. I think that say everything. Wish you a good time and thank you again for the lost years Jolla.
@mcencora Honesty is for love affairs and close friendships. SailfishX is nothing but an operating system that fits my needs a lot better than anything else currently on the market. (BTW I use the Xperia X daily as my main phone.)
I was a lot more emotional in my support for the whole Jolla project back in the days when they first launched. That was partly because of the enthusiasm of the leading team, partly because of their looks, partly because of the Nokia heritage... All of that is gone now and I'd change my mobile OS any time as soon as something better comes along. Until that happens, though, I see no point in overly emotional criticism based on myths and wrong expectations. They're trying to stay alive by running a business with a few companies. That I as an end user can benefit from that is a nice side effect. While not enjoy it while it lasts?
Hi. Currently our license customers are not yet deploying VoLTE devices for their customers. It remains as a roadmap item for Sailfish OS and we will implement it based on customers demands.
I guess license customers means such that use Sailfish OS for own devices like Jala and the Russian Aurora.
But in fact we all are customers that bought a Sailfish X license and our mostky European providers offer VoLTE. And why should we ask for an implementation that was already announced?
BTW, @James - what about the other promised features like "Full Cloud Integration"? Is there still no roadmap?
Cryx ( 2019-11-22 10:22:44 +0200 )editAnother proof that Jolla is treating the community as milky cow (mainly in terms of beta testing, free application development, and free contributions - which all indirectly saves them money).
And what do we get in return? Scraps falling of the table and false hopes for better future. "Here is a great list of features we are going to add in Sailfish 3" - turned out to be "here is a list of features every regular user expects on their phones, SOME of them we will implement, SOME day, for SOME devices". Or in other words 'we will give feed you as little as needed for you to stay interested in this platform, and providing us with free beta testing, free improvements, etc".
With their recent announcement about no AOSP upgrade (and no kernel upgrade in result) for Xperia X, every Xperia X user should ditch this platform immediately, if they care about security a bit. With kernel 3.10 having support ended two years ago, there is surely a big list of vulnerabilities not being patched. Just look at CVE-2019-2215 found recently. And this is just a kernel.
Seems like some of community members are trying to build AOSP-9 based images of Sailfish X for Xperia X, but there is no guarantee that it ever materializes, and if not I am switching to Ubuntu Touch or Lineage OS as last resort.
mcencora ( 2019-11-22 12:35:18 +0200 )edit@mcencora I adminre people who manage to see everything in life in a negative way. It takes a lot of energy, doesn't it? Ever since Jolla got out of the hardware business and finally managed to changed its business model, it's obvious that "we" as a "community" don't count any more. The decision makers are those who actually pay the bills... and no, the few 100 users who download a SailfishX license do not pay any bills. I assume the money goes to those who sell the proprietary parts of Sailfish (the Android runtime, spell checking and so forth).
To be honest, I don't see this all too negative. I remember a few bizarre decisions back in the days when "the community" seemed to have more of an influence on the direction of SailfishOS tha it has today. There were some "design by committee"-type changes to the UI and some applications that were just absurd. That's just to say that it's not always good for the members of a community if its voice is heard too clearly...
As for the rest: Yes, it could be better, we could have a newer kernel, we could finally have new APIs for developers and a paid app store and whatnot. But I tell you: I've seen all this on my (then) brand new shiny Ubuntu phone... all the hopes and the promises... and then it was ditched by canonical. I've learned the hard way that it is not easy for a consumer these days to get what I want. Thereis no OS that gives me 100% of that... but no other OS comes as close as SailfishOS, so I'd better take it and be happy with it than pretend I had a choice.
ossi1967 ( 2019-11-22 15:37:47 +0200 )editHi @James, I'm puzzled by this "answer". Most of us here are license customers and yet Jolla treats us like peasants. Even if the company doesn't have the resources to implement a promised feature, it is a bad community management action to just remove this from the roadmap. So what information can we still rely? I think Jolla should reconsider how the community should be adressed. In the IRC meeting you said that you won't announce anything official in the meeting, well it seems like you are not announcing anything at all, if you look on the blogging frequency or twitter.
max ( 2019-11-22 18:08:56 +0200 )editI have said it before and I'll say it again: many of us (enthusiasts) are willing to pay a monthly fee just to support Jolla. Why can't you make it possible? It's kinda hard to vote with my wallet when there's no place to put the money.
If you really did that, the vast (?) customer base of us individuals would actually have a say at things instead of just having to complain about missing features and major bugs not being fixed!
Direc ( 2019-11-22 19:19:24 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2019-11-21 04:01:43 +0200
Seen: 2,680 times
Last updated: Nov 24 '19
Does the Jolla Phone support Voice over LTE (VoLTE)? [answered]
When is VoLTE support expected?
Does Sailfish support VoLTE or VoWiFi? [duplicate]
dear jolla please bring voice over lte (volte) to sailfish os for the lte user. [duplicate]
[Feedback] Intex Aquafish will Sell More in India if Sailfish OS Supports VoLTE
Complaint related to LTE (India) [duplicate]
VoLTE support for Jolla phones for Reliance Jio Sim in India [duplicate]
CyanogenMod request for Intex Aqua Fish [subjective]
We have a snapshot with "VoLTE support" https://web.archive.org/web/20190508122912/https://jolla.com/sailfish3/ .
BirdZhang ( 2019-11-21 04:26:11 +0200 )editwe can ask Jolla about that during next community meeting.
atlochowski ( 2019-11-21 07:57:06 +0200 )editYou could also ask when we will see all the other promised and still missing features...
Cryx ( 2019-11-21 15:12:44 +0200 )edit@Cryx what features?
nerip ( 2019-11-21 15:16:31 +0200 )edit@nerip Take a look at the linked site above with the Sailfish 3 features? Where is the "Full Cloud Integration"?
Cryx ( 2019-11-21 15:21:21 +0200 )edit