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How many people still use JP1 regularly?

asked 2019-11-25 09:46:31 +0200

Federico gravatar image

updated 2019-11-25 16:55:16 +0200

In the blog post presenting Sailfish X for Jolla 10, Jolla also announced that the Android support for Xperia X will not be updated. In the comments, a Jolla employee points out that the system is still fully supported on the Jolla 1 and updates are still being provided, six years after release.

I realize that the two things might have different costs in terms of person-hours, but clearly this is a business decision that would not makes sense if the user base of Jolla 1 were negligible compared to that of Xperia X. This surprises me, because I would have expected the Jolla 1 to be going the way of the Dodo by now.

Does anyone have an estimate of how many people still use the JP1 regularly, today in 2019, compared to Xperia X users?

For instance, the developer of a popular app or website might have logs from their users that include the hardware type. And, of course, Jolla surely knows this information.

EDIT: this question is not "do you still use a Jolla 1". I am not looking for anecdotal answers showing that there are one or two users each. Please stop giving them. I want hard numbers. Percentages. User counts.

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interesting question. I think I can follow your thinking.... not forget that some people have the jp1 as backup... But that theme is anyway a relevant and really interesting one.

cemoi71 ( 2019-11-25 09:49:39 +0200 )edit

i don't know how many but for sure thare are still a lot of people like me that use Jolla 1 because of form factor.

atlochowski ( 2019-11-25 10:08:42 +0200 )edit

I think this is a misinterpretation. Xperia X is also and will be "fully supported" for Sailfish updates. However, neither J1 nor Xperia X are getting android layer updates anymore.

Spark ( 2019-11-25 10:15:33 +0200 )edit

ALL officially supported models still receive updates to SailfishOS and will continue to receive them until Jolla decides otherwise. The "Android Support" is separate from SailfishOS and older models won't get any future updates anymore, e.g. Jolla 1, Jolla C, Xperia X, etc...

@atlochowski Same reason I'm still using Jolla1

Nova ( 2019-11-25 10:27:50 +0200 )edit

I was a proud "First One" user but I gave my Jolla 1 to my 70-year-old mother (as the UI is easier to understand/use than Android). Personnaly, I still use my Jolla C as my current and main smartphone everyday.

PhixGre ( 2019-11-25 11:30:57 +0200 )edit

12 Answers

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answered 2019-11-25 19:08:04 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2019-11-25 19:55:01 +0200

olf gravatar image

For the @Federico statistics ...
All people who still use the JP1 actively upvote here!!!!

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Well, here at TJC are ~5600 user with a karma >2, who might be highly interested in this forum and SFOS. Every of us can tick only for once here. In the end an indication how many user of this forum use J1 in general. But no chance to get a "real" number of device in use, imho. As for the J1, from the numbers of dowloads visible through jolla store for apps "calendar, calculator" number as <75000 are in view. Is this really the range of J1 devices sold ever? However, assuming Jolla LTD might have a more clear picture through the store i.e. by records of to how many J1 a SFOS update was uploaded over time.

reakolia ( 2019-11-27 00:37:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-25 19:09:05 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2019-11-25 19:55:17 +0200

olf gravatar image

For the @Federico statistics ...
Those who still use the JP1 BUT occasionally upvote here!!!!

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me but i can't upvote here :-D

cemoi71 ( 2019-11-25 19:09:56 +0200 )edit

I sure can help with that, @cemoi71 .
Vote now! ;)

olf ( 2019-11-25 19:53:03 +0200 )edit

me too where is the upvote Button :)

monkeyisland ( 2019-11-26 06:41:48 +0200 )edit

is a little stupid that we can't upvote our own answer if it is as wiki...

cemoi71 ( 2019-11-26 09:20:04 +0200 )edit

Oops, I assumed an edit by someone else (i.e., me) would resolve that.
So Askbot simply handles "Wiki answers" like any other answer: The OP of the answer cannot up- or downvote it.
But as editors of "Wiki answers" can, I just upvoted this one for you @cemoi71.

olf ( 2019-11-26 22:34:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-25 12:59:14 +0200

ApB gravatar image

I use it. Its my only phone. And the main reason is that all the HW that was released after it was stupid. Mainly because of the size. Yes its slow, yes the battery has crapped out, but i can't find something to replace it. I want something that will fit in my pocket.

Hopefully now that the community (rinigus) is porting sfos on xz2 i will be able to replace it with something sanely sized like the xz2 compact.

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There's a XZ2 Compact in my family so this is very good news.

vattuvarg ( 2019-11-25 13:04:34 +0200 )edit

Thanks, but my question asks about an estimate of the number of users. Your answer only shows that this number is at least 1. :)

Federico ( 2019-11-25 13:22:01 +0200 )edit

Just got myself an Xperia XA2 today, and it is only 1cm longer and 3mm wider than my Jolla 1. I don't expect it is a problem for me.

Marcel Pol ( 2019-11-25 19:57:41 +0200 )edit

Sailfish X works pretty nice on the X Compact.

figgis-diggis ( 2019-11-25 21:30:42 +0200 )edit

Same here, it is my daily driver and only phone since 2013. Battery is still fine and lasts between one and two days.

Stefan P ( 2019-11-26 01:37:36 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-25 13:02:45 +0200

vattuvarg gravatar image

I use my Jolla 1 regularly.

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Thanks, but my question asks about an estimate of the number of users. Your answer only shows that this number is at least 1. :)

Federico ( 2019-11-25 13:22:03 +0200 )edit

At least 2, cause I still use mine regularly :)

kearnage ( 2019-11-25 16:05:15 +0200 )edit

@kearnage My point is: could you please stop giving anecdotal answers? This question asks for an estimate of the number of JP1 users; answering "I am using it" does not provide this information. I am looking for some quantitative evidence such as access logs from a website or an app.

Federico ( 2019-11-25 16:09:40 +0200 )edit

That I use my j1 is a fact and not anecdotal in any way.

vattuvarg ( 2019-11-25 18:41:59 +0200 )edit

:-D I use my Jolla Phone as daily driver and it's my only smartphone.

Pohli ( 2019-11-25 20:13:07 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-26 07:13:20 +0200

Nova gravatar image

As far as I know, Jolla has never released any user statistics for any of their phones... So I doubt you will be able to get a suitable answer to your question. Suffice to say that quite many people are still using a Jolla 1.

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Year ago they did in Jolla blog

mSorvisto ( 2019-11-26 09:18:52 +0200 )edit

@mSorvisto Great catch! I read the blog when it came out, but didn't remember this statistic was in there. So I would say the best answer to @Federico would be "approximately 10,000 active users of the original Jolla phone" as mentioned on November 27, 2018. Even if this has declined since last year, it should still be significant... and finding a more exact figure would be close to impossible I guess.

Nova ( 2019-11-26 10:49:07 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-25 23:12:33 +0200

olf gravatar image

Me, too!

More seriously: I do not think that any insight can be obtained by this question, except for "How many people, who regularly visit TJC and still use a Jolla 1, are willing to vote here?".

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only the active one! actually 26, not bad!

cemoi71 ( 2019-11-26 09:22:10 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-25 15:53:52 +0200

DavidSquires gravatar image

My 87 year old mother in law uses my J1. I'm moving away from Sailfish myself, but she will remain for now at least.

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Thanks, but my question asks about an estimate of the number of users. Your answer only shows that this number is at least 1. :)

Federico ( 2019-11-25 16:08:05 +0200 )edit

@Federico, no, that is not what you asked for, but "Does anyone have an estimate of how many people still use the JP1 regularly, today in 2019, compared to Xperia X users?".

  1. Everybody can "have an[y] estimate", so the answer is definitely "Yes".
  2. What is an "estimate [...], compared to Xperia X users?"?
    As nobody has a justified number of "Xperia X users" (except for Jolla), the whole question must to be answered with a clear "No".

Hence don't complain, you already got much more than you ever asked for!

olf ( 2019-11-26 20:36:24 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-11-26 09:27:16 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

updated 2019-11-26 09:27:34 +0200

@Federico About "EDIT: this question is not "do you still use a Jolla 1". I am not looking for anecdotal answers showing that there are one or two users each. Please stop giving them. I want hard numbers. Percentages. User counts. "

You ask for it and tell that thing to a team who make huge effort for privacy!!!! then have a good time waiting for this info.

I think the anecdotal info that people give you that they use it, is well enough!!! ;-)

Have good continuation Cheers

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I think this has nothing to do with privacy. Your phone model and IMEI are already tied to your account. So it is possible to provide this information.

addydon ( 2019-11-26 09:37:29 +0200 )edit

not from user side, but firm side.... do you really think that a firm communicate exactly how many user they have?

cemoi71 ( 2019-11-26 20:12:19 +0200 )edit

answered 2019-12-01 15:16:17 +0200

Paco gravatar image

I use JP1 as my only phone without problems. Or with one exception: On SF3 Android apps who need GPS (Here, OsmAnd etc.) don't work without data connection.

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answered 2019-11-26 19:51:06 +0200

simc gravatar image

updated 2019-11-26 19:52:31 +0200

I'm using JP1 as every day personal phone. But it's harder than harder :

  • micro USB connector is dead, I'm changing battery externally.
    • internal lithium battery is dead, no clock keep, when no network available or in plane mode due to the usb connector issue.
  • web browsing always difficult, particularly while RGPD pop-up appear.
  • Android support limited to 4.4, limits compatible apps.
  • Android alternative store or apk downloader still missing.

I use a systemd timer to schedule backup of my nemo profile on sd-card twice time a day to prevent the end of life of my JP1.I still waiting to a new device with moderns specs and not so expensive.... maybe a dream...

post from my Jp1

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Asked: 2019-11-25 09:46:31 +0200

Seen: 2,984 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '19