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Creating Ambience RPM: how to specify "No Sound" action [answered]

asked 2019-12-13 17:19:37 +0200

nephros gravatar image

Is there a way to build an ambience RPM which sets a certain action to "no sound"?

Due to the HOWTOS here and elsewhere I have been creating some RPMs of my ambiences so I can easily adapt and reinstall them.

However, I like to set e.g. the "Email" sound to "No Sound" in the ambience settings.

I haven't found a way to do that with the /usr/share/ambiences/foo/foo.ambience file.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Spam Hunter
close date 2019-12-21 21:26:23.893947

1 Answer

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answered 2019-12-13 17:59:31 +0200

Spam Hunter gravatar image

updated 2019-12-13 18:03:50 +0200


Change the 1 at the end of the 'mailtone' section to 0 in the .ambience file.

Then, when you look at Settings/Sounds and feedback section, the Email tone should be set to No sound

Original line:

"mailToneFile"              : { "file": "", "enabled": 1 },

After edit:

"mailToneFile"              : { "file": "", "enabled": 0 },

You can always quickly execute systemctl --user restart ambienced.service to see the changes have taken.

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Thank you very much!

I had tried setting it to "disabled", but not the 1->0 thing.

nephros ( 2019-12-13 21:44:10 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2019-12-13 17:19:37 +0200

Seen: 139 times

Last updated: Dec 13 '19