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sneak peek + double tap how can work this on Sony Xperia 10? [answered]

asked 2020-01-03 17:47:16 +0200

Ralf gravatar image

updated 2020-01-04 22:58:27 +0200

I have follow problem on my Sony Xperia 10 Dual with SFOS

I install the patch sneak peek and activated this. Now should be work the LPM Screen if the pocket sensor detected no pocket. But its not work! Only if I wait on the normal display switch off after the time of 15s it works one times. If I lock with swipe or with the power button the LPM not work.

Because this I try follow commands from here in root but this not help:

mcetool --set-low-power-mode=enabled
mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over

On the contrary after this commands did the fingerprint sensor not work anymore? Also not after a reboot! I used than the following command and restarted:

mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=disabled

Luckily the fingerprint is working again but not the sneak peek screen. Despite the trigger value is disabled the Sneak peek screen works only after a automatical Display out after 15s like before.

Could anybody help me? May be the Sailfish X Version blocked this feature because some falses with the dealer. I reed this also on this Question.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Ralf
close date 2020-01-19 21:26:25.752591


yes, Jolla1 and JollaC LPM and double-tap work

but not non any X device (even their HW is capable)

peterleinchen ( 2020-01-03 18:35:42 +0200 )edit

LPM and double-tap work are working here on Xperia X ;-).

s_mario ( 2020-01-05 16:51:36 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2020-01-04 15:37:05 +0200

spiiroin gravatar image

updated 2020-01-05 03:21:29 +0200

rozgwi gravatar image

Note that mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over is perfectly valid command, but...

Sneak peek is not expected to work properly in Xperia 10. This due to use of "on demand" proximity sensor mode which is needed for working around problems with sensor sw stack - similar to XA2.

As mentioned in the changelog of 3.2.0 the "on demand" mode was made default also in Xperia X. Those who want to take their chances with in-call blanking issues can turn off on-demand mode with:

mcetool --set-ps-on-demand=disabled
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Thank you @spiiroin, I was unaware that the command is actually valid. (Everyday is a school day!)

Spam Hunter ( 2020-01-04 16:25:15 +0200 )edit

Thank you very much - I test this and it works perfect. I will try this in the next time. I hope it works for me. Now I can also test the double tap features with proximity. I have follow lines now:

mcetool --set-ps-on-demand=disabled
mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket,hover-over
mcetool --set-doubletap-mode=show-unlock-screen
mcetool --set-fake-doubletap=disabled 
mcetool --set-doubletap-wakeup=proximity

Is the order of these commands important or can I use the commands in any order? I ask, because double tab not work afte the first test. Maybe I have to restart the mcetool.service...

Ralf ( 2020-01-04 16:56:44 +0200 )edit

Sneak peek works now fine only the double tap not. Because I try this and now double tap works but only in the 5s lpm mode from the display. I found it here and create also a new help file with all new commands.

mcetool -M unlock (-M is the same like --set-doubletap-mode=)
mcetool -z proximity (-z is the same like--set-doubletap -wakeup=)
mcetool -i enabled (-i is the same like --set-fake-doubletap=)
mcetool -E enabled (-E is the same like --set-low-power-mode=)

What is wrong. I will this use everytime?

Ralf ( 2020-01-04 18:00:13 +0200 )edit

I still fail to find any concrete refference to Xperia 10 & Xperia X proximity sensor being faulty in the same way as the XA2 one is.

Am I missing something or has this change been simply done for all Xperia devices, to reduce difference between device configuration, at athe cost of regressing the functionaliry of unaffected devices ?

MartinK ( 2020-01-04 22:03:10 +0200 )edit

Unfortunately is this bug also on Sony Xperia 10 with It seems to be a result from the charging of the cell phone. Previously, it worked over 6h but after charging overnight, it the sensor was not active more. But I found a very simple way to fix it. Respo installs the "ShellEx"app and enters the systemctl restart sensorfwd command there. Then you are only asked for the pin of the phone but not for the root password and the Sendor is ready to go again !!! My idea for an SFOS update would be to simply restart this service when charging end or start. I will check if the charging the realy reason is in the next time...

Ralf ( 2020-01-05 10:14:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-01-03 18:27:12 +0200

Spam Hunter gravatar image

updated 2020-01-03 18:29:00 +0200

The second command in your first example is not quite right.

mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket


mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=hover-over

working fine on Jolla1

Check out mcetool --long-help

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answered 2020-01-03 19:04:07 +0200

Ralf gravatar image

The command mcetool --set-lpmui-triggering=from-pocket worked now. Thanks on Edz!!! Maybe the using of both values had bring the Fingerprint bug? I will see how long it work.

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Unfortunately its only work for about 5s until the cell phone goes into sleep mode. This is because the SFOS proximity sensor is deactivated after a short time because there are probably hardware problems with XA2 and Xperia 10 see here. Unfortunately I don't know of any code to override this. All that remains is to wait. One idea could be that the acceleration sensor activates the proximity sensor like an incoming call. Then you could use the sneak peek function and thus double tip after pulling the phone out of your pocket and the acceleration sensor detected this...

Ralf ( 2020-01-03 23:57:07 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-01-03 17:47:16 +0200

Seen: 1,252 times

Last updated: Jan 05 '20