Split screen idea for X10+
asked 2020-01-27 22:29:13 +0200

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there's so much screen estate on the x10+ and no app uses that space wisely, why not have support to have two active apps open at the same time... like telegram and the browser with youtube... or an email client and the music player. Two apps would work just fine opened and active at the same time.
honestly, this idea was played around on many devices but i am not sure if it is that useful. Even on PC i do not use 2 apps side to side that often. They better implement good alt-tabbing or something.
Messaging with video might be useful for some people though. Not sure if it is worth the effort
virgi26 ( 2020-01-27 23:53:51 +0200 )editas a dev I use way more than one app and monitor at the same time but you may be right too much effort that not everyone may use or need.
rubyhorse ( 2020-01-28 01:30:10 +0200 )editI have a 10 inch (unfortunately) Android tablet mainly fro drawing and split screen is pretty helpful there. You can view a reference image & you drawing application at the same time. Also having a mail client & a web page at the same time is useful. Same thing with floating windows for notekeeping.
Well, this is a tablet usecase though. With a smartphone form factor these might not always apply (though 10+ is really pushing the form factor).
MartinK ( 2020-01-28 14:40:44 +0200 )editI even used android multiwindowed mode, and on a phone that has screen smaler than XA2 Plus(Nexus 6). Was extremely useful when I was writing documents, and had browser, text editor and calculator at the same time, plus pdf viewer and terminal window where I was executing xelatex to build document. Using fullscreen mode with no other options is torture.
0xe4524ffe ( 2020-01-29 08:47:48 +0200 )edit@MartinK, that was my rationale I use my 10+ as a stay at home "tablet". Maybe the proposal does not warrant the investment from jolla to develop it but I would sure like such a feature and now that 21:9 is common it makes ever more sense
rubyhorse ( 2020-01-29 22:44:56 +0200 )edit