How to install smartmontools on SF0S 3.2 [not relevant]
asked 2020-02-13 15:57:00 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I'd like to install smartmontools on SF0S 3.2 but I cannot find it :
$ zypper wp smartctl
Command 'what-provides' is replaced by 'search --provides --match-exact'.
See 'help search' for all available options.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
No matching items found.
Depending on the Device/CPU architecture you could try the right package from here: Or compile it yourself of course...
daywalker ( 2020-02-13 16:10:05 +0200 )editBoth of you have no idea what you are talking about. SmartMonTools is for HARD DISK DRIVES that incorporate SMART technology (self monitoring analysis reporting tool) and seeing as NONE of the SailfishOS capable devices use HARD DISK DRIVES, this question is beyond pointless.
Acarm ( 2020-02-13 17:26:43 +0200 )editshould be possible to attach hard drives with usb...
manu ( 2020-02-13 20:55:33 +0200 )editHilarious :-)
Maus ( 2020-02-13 22:44:02 +0200 )edit@Acarm SmartMon Tools can also read SMART attributes for SSD, example :
SebM ( 2020-02-13 23:42:27 +0200 )edit