How do i connect to an adhoc network.
How do i connect to an adhoc network? I want to connect to an VGATE iCar2 WiFi OBD reader from my XA2 plus. Is it possible in Sailfish OS
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How do i connect to an adhoc network? I want to connect to an VGATE iCar2 WiFi OBD reader from my XA2 plus. Is it possible in Sailfish OS
The short answer would be: No, ad-hoc mode is not supported by connman (the network manager used by SfOS),
The slightly longer answer is: Maybe, if you're feeling adventurous, you can try to establish a connection manually using iw/ip:
In theory this should work, just like on any other Linux machine. You probably need to stop connman first...
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Asked: 2020-02-26 21:36:00 +0200
Seen: 313 times
Last updated: Feb 28 '20